
We are proud to announce that NAMED Program has partnered with LaVitaRDS.

An essential component of the NAMED Program addiction and recovery program includes but is not limited to, high quality nutrient dense foods, balanced nutrition menu and plan, a controlled clinical setting, counseling, and amino acid therapy.

The quality of all amino acid supplements vary resulting in different success rates of patients.   We are thrilled to discover LavitaRDS specifically the Synaptamine™. Synaptamine helps boost dopamine function across the brain and regulates homeostasis. This product is developed by a team of qualified doctors who have studied addiction, genetics, neurological science, Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS), and dopamine effects on the brain.

The NAMED Program promotes a holistic approach to overcoming addiction and mood stabilization is essential to increasing the success rate of breaking addictions and reducing relapse rates thus we believe Synaptamine is a phenomenal product for those overcoming addiction.  The neuro-adaptagen technology that is nano sized providing greatly accelerated absorption by the body for optimal brain health, enhanced energy, reduced stress as well as helping nutritional maintenance of overall mood health a sense of well-being.

For more extensive information about this product and company please visit their web-site.
