Simple Most interviews Dr. Kantor about the weight loss and pounds on the scale.

What are some overlooked reasons why the scale might not be

One of the most common reasons that the scale does not budge is when people make lifestyle changes including increased exercise, they build muscle faster than they burn fat.  Muscle is smaller, leaner and tighter then fat but it is also denser, weighing more than fat.  People (most often women) will lose inches but the scale may not move much in the beginning.  It is important to remember to be patient and focus on a healthy lifestyle, not a short term rigid diet and exercise regimen that is unrealistic for the long term.


 What’s the fix? 

To take the focus off of the scale make sure to measure your progress by taking before measurements around your arms, chest, waist, hips, butt and thighs, measurements will go down faster than pounds.  Also take before pictures in a from fitting outfit from the front, side, and back.  Aside from aesthetic progress keep a journal on how you are feeling, i.e. Increased energy, better sleep, improved digestion, less bloat, clearer skin, etc.

What are some medical conditions that might be preventing weight

Hormone imbalances are typically the culprit for stubborn weight loss.  A regular spike and fluctuation in the hormone insulin is caused by consuming too many carbohydrates and sugar, this will cause the body to store fat rather than burn it.

Chronic stress both physically and emotionally will also store fat because the adrenal glands become fatigued and the body’s stress hormone cortisol can be secreted inappropriately, resulting in weight gain specifically around the mid-section.

Thyroid disease has become too common, this can also cause weight gain.  Thyroid disease is caused by several lifestyle factors including family history, exposure to toxins, chronic stress, and extreme dieting.  The thyroid is in control of our metabolism resulting in weight gain and sometime weight loss.

Depression and mental illness can also be related to weight gain.  Those who suffer from mental illness may eat comfort foods, and some medications can increase appetite resulting in weight gain.