Cruciferous vegetables, examples of cruciferous vegetables include: broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, collard greens, bok choy, or arugula to name a few.

WHY should you eat them? Cruciferous vegetables are antioxidant packed vegetables that have high amounts of beneficial vitamins including vitamin, A, C and K. Cruciferous vegetables are also unique because they possess sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates, which have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties, reduce inflammation, regulate blood sugar, and enhance heart health. Additional health benefit of cruciferous vegetables specifically for women includes promoting estrogen hormone balance, which can help women specifically going through menopause or to reduce the symptoms of their monthly cycle. Finally these vegetables can help naturally detoxify your body, if consumed regularly it can contribute to getting rid of unwanted pounds.

How can you get these veggies in every day?

 These vegetables can be eaten both raw and cooked; instead of salad have a cabbage slaw as your salad or side. Add arugula to your sandwiches or wraps instead of lettuce. Have kale instead of romaine for tossed salads, kale may need slightly more oil and vinegar then traditional lettuce.